Wine Tasting

I had fun many times helping as a grape harvester; part of our family produces one of the best wines in Italy, if not the world: I’m talking about the Montalcino Brunello wine. Those relatives of mine own the “Le Chiuse” winery, and they have recently been awarded the 2 nd prize by the Wine Enthusiast list of the best wines in the world! Needless to say, I can easily arrange for you a tour of their vineyards and cellar – including, of course, wine tasting. My mum’s cousin, Simonetta Valiani, the owner, is a descendant of Ferruccio Biondi Santi, the man who first produced the current version of Brunello in the late 1800’s – and she knows what she’s doing!
In the pic with my mum Anna and Simonetta ( in the black and white pic their respective mothers at Le Chiuse winery in the 1950s).

In 2023 I became an AIS ( Associazione Italiana Sommelier) professional wine sommelier. Thus, I’ll be only too happy to set up a wine tasting event at our Villa Santa Chiara. Don’t miss this chance to try three of the main wines produced in this area! We can sip them at sunset, standing in our garden while mesmerized by a stunning view of Siena. Although all those wines come from the same “Sangiovese” grape, you’ll soon learn how different they taste.